Why the copywriter is still Queen 👑

What is copywriting anyhow? Is that something they used to do before social media? Is that what the type writer was for?

Of course I’m joking, yet the value of great copy is notoriously undervalued, and as an experienced copywriter it really isn’t that funny.

In my opinion copy is EQUALLY as important as design.. if the designer is King, most definitely, the copywriter is Queen. Controversial I know but let me explain my thoughts…

Designers create fantastic awe inspiring visual imagery, yet what is a logo, an illustration, a beautiful website, if it doesn’t tell a story. It’s important to educate and inform and this can only be achieved through great copy.

Consumers may be amazed by design, amazement hooks but it doesn’t convert, rather it’s the compelling copy, the informative and emotive words, that convince the consumer that what you are tempting them with is right for them.

I have been part of delivering award winning campaigns, yet the recognition always goes to the designer, why is that? Why do some people struggle to look at the bigger picture. (excuse the pun!)😉

Yes; the creative is fantastic, it’s relevant to the target audience, it has the right tone, the right font, the right style, it’s took hours in the making…no one is doubting that good design is what catches the audiences attention, but design isn’t the whole story.

I believe, and please share this article if you agree, that design is the hook, you get design right and you’ve got the customers attention. You then tag-team with strong copywriter that inspires a reader to commit and you’ve got yourself a conversion. The king and queen of marketing, the perfect partnership.


Please don’t misunderstand this blog isn’t intended to discredit the incredibly talented designers out there, I have been fortunate to work with the best in the business. However many businesses struggle to look beyond the creative image, and fully appreciate the spellbinding, value packed copy that actually converts customers in their droves.

Every business is selling a product or service, a design will illustrate this well, it is an attention grabbing and phenomenal hook, but if we are talking about convincing someone to purchase, and having an effective call to action, this can only be delivered in words and sentences that convert and convince, not through design.

I’m not an advocate for fancy words wizardry, but the reality is if you have a pretty website but your web copy is dull and uninspiring then everything you do to drive people to your website, this includes social media, and SEO will have zero effect. The customer journey really does complete with great copy.

In fact Google actively rewards websites for copy, and their ability to produce brilliant copy that entices and enthrals readers, to the point where visitors interact and follow the desired calls to action, this is SEO at its best.

I appreciate not everyone is a wordsmith, copywriting is a lot harder than it looks, it’s about tone of voice, and aligning that voice with brand values. It’s about tapping into emotions and building curiosity, and it’s about adapting communicative style across websites, social media platforms, advertisements and brochures.

There’s actually quite a lot more to copywriting than people appreciate. Copywriters are experienced in branding, advertising and conversion strategy, and above all they know how to understand customer needs, and respond accordingly.

Everyone has a story to share, the designer is King… but my word 😉 the Copywriter is still Queen.