From one entrepreneur to another… why it’s never too late for coaching and mentoring

A little blog I worked on with the fantastic team at Pro-Noctis. Check them out:

A global pandemic could be seen as the worst possible time to start a business, yet for many, the economic downturn has presented an opportunity, an opportunity to pursue a passion, or perhaps just pivot in a difficult situation and look at ways of doing things differently.

A record number of start-ups launched in 2020, a staggering 407,510, and as we enter the summer of 2021, the entrepreneurial spirit shows no signs of easing, and new businesses are blooming nationwide.

However entrepreneurship isn’t easy, we have been there, and through this article, and our shared experience we intend to support entrepreneurs to ensure the businesses that are blooming now, bear fruit and have a strong sustainable future.

We have the utmost respect for entrepreneurs, they see challenges where others see barriers, and they have the drive and the energy to pursue their goal. However when you are so focused on a goal, regardless of your strength of character it is quite easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.

We don’t mean to belittle new entrepreneurs, not at all, the reality is even the most established entrepreneur can also struggle to see the forest for the trees.

The fact is to operate you need to be reactive, and often you become so absorbed in the day to day that you simply don’t have the time to step back and examine the bigger picture.

Everything can be urgent, but what actions are important?

…and there we have it, the big question. What actions are important?

What do I need to prioritise to achieve my business growth? Where do I need to focus my efforts to truly perform?

To answer these questions we need to truly understand the bigger picture.

It is the understanding of the bigger picture, that allows you to develop a true understanding of the impact you want to make in the world, and this is where entrepreneurial coaching and mentoring come into their own.

… ok tell me more

A business coach is an external person (big positive!) they are not bogged down in the day to day, they can offer an objective view, a view not prejudiced by relationships or involvement. A fresh perspective that opens up new viewpoints for you, allows you to see things differently.

To refer back to the previous metaphor, a business coach allows you to see the forest. It’s about you, not us… and the reality is being an entrepreneur can be lonely, and even us high-fliers, self-starters, and go-getters need to talk to someone.

All entrepreneurs need support, whether that is a coach who can help set goals, and motivate you to stay on track or a mentor who validates your business decisions, boosting your confidence that you are on the right track for you.

Working with a coach and mentor gives you the breathing space you need to see the change, to develop strengths, mitigate weaknesses, and ensure your day to day stays aligned to your goals.

There is much to be gained from working with a coach or mentor, and it is never too late. Regardless of where you are in your business journey. Reach out as Pro-Noctis can help take your performance to the next level.