Out of crisis comes creativity

Out of crisis comes creativity, that is the story behind Lincolnshire’s newest PR Company Cockadoodledoo Communications.

Director of Cockadoodledoo Communications, Emma Rouse, faced redundancy in her previous role as Head of Marketing within Arena Racing Company. A role Emma had been so successful in, she was recognised with the industry award for Best marketing Campaign at the RCA Awards less than a year ago.

The impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality and events industry is significant, and with public events paused, the role Emma had enjoyed; just a few months earlier, no longer existed. However rather than despair, Emma who’s first role in PR was with Lincolnshire Company Cool Milk at School, decided to take a leap of faith, and established her own PR Company in her home city of Lincoln.

Emma Rouse, Director said:

“Consumer habits have changed and what people want from their brand is different now, and is unlikely to return to pre COVID expectations. To make sure businesses are ready for the new normal is a marketing challenge, and I want to support local businesses to be ready for that fight.”

“Now is the time for strong and consistent communications, and for businesses to build brand recognition. Quite simply we need to ensure businesses plan for prosperity, and maintain levels of engagement, and you can only do that with a strong brand image, and professional communications.

Cockadoodledoo, was founded on 7 September 2020, specialising in PR, Social Media, Copywriting, Marketing Strategy, and Crisis Communications. The company name ‘Cockadoodledoo’ comes from a desire to support rural businesses, and provide communications that speak volumes.

“Living in the Lincolnshire countryside, with 2 Cockerels Matthew and George, I’m all too familiar with the attention a ‘Cockadoodledoo’ achieves, they stand out from the crowd, they are the protectors and that’s true of all good brand communications.” added Emma.

Local businesses interested in working with Cockadoodledoo Communications should contact hello@cddcommunications.co.uk