Who's in your tribe? 

A recent blog I worked on for Active Nation. Check them out: https://activenation.org.uk

As individuals, we can have the most stand-out hair and outrageous dress sense; this is us, and we don’t have to blend in if we don’t want to. If you want to wear neon headbands to the gym and socks up to your knees, you absolutely should.

However, regardless of how extravert we are, whether we care to admit it or not, we all share a natural desire to belong and to feel like we fit in. We are instinctively social and gravitate to people who share our goals and values. 

But what about being part of a tribe is it that we find so important? And how can we use our tribe to improve our health and well-being?

It’s all about connection. 

Take veterans, for example, they often feel disconnected at the end of service, and that absence of shared experiences makes it hard to connect in a new tribe. Being part of a tribe gives us a shared affinity, a common goal, and an understanding. 

Similarly, when we look back to the lockdown, it was the isolation that people found hard, that lack of integration with friends, work colleagues, and even family members. The absence of a tribe. The mental health impact of this was staggering, with almost one-quarter of UK adults feeling lonely because of Covid-19 (source: Mental Health Foundation, Coronavirus Mental Health in the Pandemic.)

This month is ‘Movember’ the lens focuses on men’s health, and we are reading the shocking stats that “3 out of 4 suicides every year in the UK is by men.” (Source: movember.com) Where’s the tribe? 

Regardless of our environment, we must surround ourselves with people who truly “get” how we feel and what we want to achieve. What do you want to achieve? 

What’s your health and well-being goal? And how can your tribe help you to reach that goal?

We need to think of our friends less as shoulders to cry on but as someone who can encourage us to achieve a common goal.

You see animals hunting in packs; this isn’t because they are lonely; they work better together. If you have ever exercised with a friend, you know this is true; you spur each other on, and when your motivation wanes, you know you have a buddy to pick you right back up. 

No one likes to let down the pack, either. You don’t want to be that person that says they’re going, gets everyone excited and then drops out; whoever heard of a Lion sitting out a lunch date! When we commit to a friend, we see it through. If you commit to going for a run, you have your trainers on, and you’re waiting by the door.

Working out with a buddy allows you to be more consistent, keeps you focused on the end goal, you are more motivated to stay active and more likely to work harder, and let’s not forget everyone loves some healthy competition! 

So, whether your health and well-being goal is to be stronger, build more muscle, be fitter, healthier, lose weight or recover from injury, invite a buddy to join you on that journey. 

Your journey can be something other than an at-the-gym journey too. The Active Nation Anywhere App allows you to work out with buddies, you guessed it, anywhere! You can enjoy a varied library of workouts directly on your mobile device. So, if you have buddies that struggle to get together, the Active Nation Anywhere app gives you the ultimate flexibility, making it easier than ever to work out wherever and whenever and with whoever you choose.

You and your buddies can pick from over 1000+classes; you can even make it a little competitive; who will complete the featured class first?

The opportunities are endless, and with a buddy by your side, it’s sure to be great fun.

Three reasons why working out with a buddy is the best idea! 

1.         You guessed it, more fun! 

 It’s always fun with friends, and if you have someone to giggle with as you are, working out, you’ll have the best time. Plus, if there is a group exercise class you’ve fancied trying for a while, or perhaps your friend is keen on dance but you have never tried it, you’ll find it much easier to try it with a buddy, and who knows, you may like it. Variety is the spice of life! And when you smash your goals together, think how much fun you can have celebrating. 

2.         More Motivated

How often have you not fancied going to the gym and instead stayed home and curled up with Netflix? We all have off days, but having a workout buddy will help keep you on track. Not only that, if your buddy can lift it, what’s the betting that you will push yourself to raise the same? Together you can do this! You’ll also have a spotting buddy, so it’ll be safer to test your limits. 

3.         More Fulfilling

Not only are you progressing towards your health and well-being goals you’re supporting a friend to improve their health and well-being too. Let’s remember working out is an opportunity to take a break from the day-to-day and spend quality time on what matters to you. Wouldn’t it be nice to help a buddy do the same?